NAD+ IV Therapy

NAD+ IV Therapy

Intravenous NAD+ is rapidly becoming the most robust tool to help revitalize our cells, replenish our energy reserves and create brain rejuvenation. NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, a Vitamin B3 derivative, has been successfully utilized for many years in intravenous protocols to help people with addiction. Patients also report better mental clarity, increased energy and better mood.

The majority of people trying NAD+ are looking for an energetic boost. Most people describe the effect as “calm clarity”. This infusion offers a range of advantages, such as: fostering the growth of mitochondrial cells, enhancing sleep quality, boosting cognitive capabilities, encouraging anti-aging outcomes, amplifying organ efficiency, supporting addiction recovery, elevating athletic performance, aiding in countering depression, anxiety, and stress, and contributing to an overall sense of heightened health and well-being.

What To Expect

IV NAD therapy is generally well-tolerated, though you may experience a mild sensation during the treatment. Sessions last 60-90 minutes, and many patients notice improvement with each dose. NAD helps target areas of past inflammation, which can create a gentle, heavy feeling, similar to the comfort of a weighted blanket, along with a light fluttering in the stomach—both are normal and expected.

To keep you comfortable, we administer IV Zofran for stomach relief, and relaxing with slow, deep breaths can help too. Adjusting your position—either sitting up or lying back—can enhance your experience. Some people feel a bit tired during or after the infusion, but this feeling usually passes within a few hours. Any sensations typically disappear quickly once the IV is paused or stopped.

We’re here to support you, offering clear guidance to ensure a smooth experience. You’re also in control of your session, with the ability to adjust the drip rate for your comfort.

  • For added convenience, we offer mobile services, bringing our IV therapies—including NAD+—directly to your home, office, hotel, or any location of your choice. Enjoy the benefits of NAD+ in your preferred environment.

    Alternatively, you can visit our clinic, where we provide a relaxing experience complete with cozy blankets, TV, music, and tea. For the ultimate relaxation, we also offer additional services like acupressure massage and red light therapy, making your session even more rejuvenating.

    Schedule with us:

    Call: 808-339-7474
    Text: 855-934-0539

Treatment & Benefits

  • Boosts Energy Levels: NAD+ enhances cellular energy production, leaving you feeling revitalized and more alert throughout the day.

  • Supports Brain Health: It promotes mental clarity, focus, and memory, helping combat brain fog and improve cognitive function.

  • Improves Metabolism: NAD+ helps regulate metabolism, supporting weight management and overall vitality.

  • Slows Aging: NAD+ aids in DNA repair and supports longevity, reducing signs of aging at the cellular level.

  • Enhances Recovery: It accelerates muscle recovery and reduces inflammation, making it ideal for athletes or anyone seeking faster healing.

  • Strengthens Immune Function: It boosts the immune system, enhancing your body’s ability to fight infections and maintain optimal health.

NAD+ & Healthy Aging

As we age, NAD+ levels naturally decline, which can impact our overall health and vitality. NAD+ is crucial for maintaining energy, cognitive function, and cellular repair. Lower NAD+ levels can lead to increased fatigue, slower recovery, and diminished cognitive abilities. Restoring NAD+ through therapy helps counteract these effects by boosting energy production, enhancing brain function, and supporting cellular repair. By replenishing NAD+, you can improve your overall well-being, maintain vitality, and combat the common signs of aging.


  • Chronic fatigue, executive functioning, athletic performance, depression, anxiety, PTSD, traumatic brain injury, post-stroke, addiction, and much more. Discover the incredible advantages of our Brain Refuel IV treatment by scheduling a consultation. Let us guide you towards optimal well-being and vitality.

  • NAD+ is an exceptional treatment for fatigue, brain fog, and promoting overall vitality. While you don’t need a specific condition to experience the benefits, many people choose NAD+ IV therapy to stay healthy, sharp, and optimized.

    NAD+ supports cellular energy production, mental clarity, and recovery, making it ideal for enhancing day-to-day performance. It’s also beneficial for those seeking improved focus, faster recovery from workouts, and better metabolic function. Additionally, NAD+ has shown promise in helping individuals overcome addiction by supporting brain health and restoring balance to neurotransmitter function.

    Whether you're aiming to boost your overall health or seeking targeted benefits, NAD+ can be a powerful tool for staying energized and optimized.

  • Pairing your NAD+ therapy with an IV push of Glutathione and peptides, such as Semax and Selank, can help maximize the benefits of your treatment.

    Glutathione is often referred to as the body's master antioxidant. It plays a vital role in combating oxidative stress, reducing inflammation, and supporting detoxification processes. By receiving an IV push of glutathione alongside your NAD+ treatment, you enhance its effects and promote overall well-being. The benefits of glutathione include enhanced cellular function, an immune system boost, and detoxification support.

    Semax is a peptide renowned for its cognitive enhancement and neuroprotective properties. When combined with your NAD+ treatment, Semax can amplify the benefits and provide additional support for brain health.

    Selank is a peptide known for its potential to reduce stress and promote emotional well-being. When paired with NAD+ therapy, Selank can complement its effects and contribute to a balanced mental state

  • To inquire about pricing, please reach out to our office by calling 808-339-7474.


Book Your Next IV Treatment

Contact us to book your upcoming IV session! Choose between our in-clinic IV treatments or opt for the convenience of our mobile IV services, where we can come to your preferred location.