
What is LL-37 and how does it work?

LL-37 is the 37-amino acid cleavage product of human cathelicidin, an antiviral, antimicrobial, and anti-biofilm peptide. Humans produce the precursor form of this peptide in our neutrophils, natural killer cells, and in the lung lining cells.

Because LL-37 is positively charged, it can cling to and poke holes in negatively-charged bacterial cells and viral membranes. It can block the bacterial toxin called lipopolysaccharides from causing inflammation through Toll-like receptors. With its interaction with cell membranes, it can help modulate immune function.

Benefits and uses:

  • Help fights some infections, especially respiratory

  • Blocks lipopolysaccharides from interacting with TLR4 receptors, so it can mitigate metabolic endotoxemia, and inflammation from high-fat meals and gram-negative bacteria

  • Reduces Th2 cytokines

  • Protects against gut inflammation from gut infections

  • Helps call other immune cells to the site

  • Promotes a balanced immune response

  • Inhibits macrophages’ fever-producing activities

Stacks well with:

  • Thymosin beta 4 (TB500)

  • BPC-157

  • Thymosin alpha 1.

Ways to take:

  • Subcutaneous injections

  • Intranasal

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